How to Keep The Main Sewer Line Clear

How to Keep The Main Sewer Line Clear

Sewer lines are plumbing installations that remain out of sight and, by extension, out of mind. This remains so until a problem occurs, and depending on the situation, sewer line repairs can cost up to a few thousand dollars. An excellent way to prevent such expenses is to cultivate a good maintenance habit and prioritize sewer cleaning.

Here are tips on keeping your sewer line clear.

Avoid Putting Food in Drains

It is pretty easy to fall into the habit of pushing food down your kitchen drain. In fact, this is a common habit among most households. The problem, however, is that such food particles can accumulate and cake over time. In addition, the accumulation may affect the free flow of wastewater from your kitchen drain and other areas of your home.

Being heavy and not easily degraded, food wastes should be kept away from your drains. Cultivating a healthy habit of correctly disposing of food wastes can help keep your drains flowing and sewer lines healthy.

Use High-Volume Flush

Although food items are one of the biggest causes of clogs in the sewer line, they aren’t the only culprits. Other materials like plastic bags, rubber, hair, and more can ball up to clog the sewer line, causing problems for you and your home.

An excellent way to address this problem is to have your toilets set to high-volume flush. While a high-volume flush consumes more water and can cost you more water bills, it saves you the stress and hassles of sewer line problems.

High volume flush is also recommended for homeowners who flush down solid wastes or those living in low areas. It is also recommended for people with negative slopes in their sewer lines. Rest assured that this practice will ensure the proper disposal of solid waste from your sewer line.

Avoid Flushing Non-Food Items

Food and non-food items are a potential threat to your sewer line. Properly disposing of your non-food waste can improve your sewer line’s health. A good way to maintain your bathroom drains is to avoid flushing items like sanitary pads, wipes, tampons, dental floss, and other personal items. 

Always ensure that all non-biodegradable materials are kept far away from your plumber sewer line. You should also double-check the appropriate disposal method of each flushable item before settling on flushing them.

Always remember that these items can collect in your sewer line to create a block that’ll eventually cost thousands of dollars to fix.

Maintain Your Roots

Tree roots are a big problem for sewer lines. They grow strong over the years and can damage your sewer line, especially if it’s in their way. Leaving tree roots unattended can damage your sewer line and cause more problems than you’re willing to face.

A good way to keep your sewer line maintained is to curb your tree roots from expanding towards it. You can also contact tree service professionals to eliminate trees that have become a potential threat to your sewer line.

Avoid FOG Buildup

Your sewer line is the central waste disposal agent for all plumbing fixtures, thus exposing it to a wide variety of materials that can eventually clog it. One such group of materials is FOG, also known as fat, oil, and grease.

FOGs can accumulate from bathwater, dishwasher waste, and many other sources. Over time, this group of wastes collects, solidifies, and threatens the free flow of wastewater from your home.

Several ways to prevent this buildup include using fat dissolving products or degreasers flushed down the drain. However, the best way to ensure protection is to avoid flushing fat, oils, and grease down your drain.

If you’re a greasy food fan, you can clean surfaces with washcloths, wipes, or paper towels for appropriate disposal instead of flushing them down the drain.

Use Single Ply Toilet Paper

Toilet papers are essential for your hygiene. However, not all toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. You should handle toilet paper the same way you’d handle flushable wipes. If there’s an alternative, use it.

For toilet paper, it is best to use the one-ply variants because they are softer and dissolve faster in water, thus reducing the chances of clogs. On the other hand, the double-ply toilet papers are thicker and tend to clog pipes more quickly.

Choose Preventative Clearing and Flushing

Prevention is better and cheaper. With your sewer line, you cannot afford to let anything get in its way. Regular sewer line clearing and preventative washing can save you a lot of time and money. It can also help you avoid the potential damages associated with backed-up sewer systems and other related damages.

Ensure you contact a professional sewer line clearer for preventative washing and clearing. These professionals know the right products to use and how best to clear your sewer lines to prevent clogs. Take note that the professional goes over all the drains in your home.

How to Clear Your Sewer Line

Sometimes, prevention just isn’t enough. If your sewer line is clogged or showing common signs, it’s best to research how to clear the sewer line and address it as quickly as possible.

It is best to contact a professional plumber for this type of job. Professional plumbers can access a few specialty tools that can help unclog your sewer line. Your plumber can use one of the three general methods for unclogging blocked sewer lines;

Hydraulic sewer clearing: This uses pressurized water to cut through grease and clogs. The pressurized water also pushes the clogs out of the pipe.

Mechanical sewer clearing: Involves using specialized tools like bucket machines, rodding, and capsules called pigs. The idea is to scrape the clog and push it out through mechanical force.

Chemical sewer clearing: This type of clearing involves the application of degrading chemicals to pipes. This method should be done only by a professional as it could potentially damage the sewer line and cause more problems. Chemical sewer clearing is also not readily advised as it negatively impacts the environment.

Contact your local and nearest Maryland sewer line clearer to prevent sewer line clogs and associated damages.


4219-A Hanover Pike Manchester 

(410) 440-5814
